June 23rd, 2020
Those of you that have been following my training webinars over the last several months on Medicare have been hearing me talk about the upcoming certification that will be available this summer. Guess what, that time is upon us. AHIP is being released on June 22nd. AHIP 2020 will no longer be available as of June 19th, but when you complete the 2021 certification you will also be certified for the 2020 plans.
If you are planning on taking the certification, I highly recommend that you do it through one of our carriers below so you will receive a $50 discount from the normal $175 cost of the AHIP certification.

Rick Roberts
Health Marketing Manager
If you are currently certified for 2020, you will receive an email from the carriers that you are appointed and certified with. You can pick and choose which one you would like to use. If you are new and looking to get certified for the first time, then you will want to reach out to me for some guidance.
If you are an agent that is looking to expand your business offerings, please take a look at how selling Medicare related product can help you add a recurring revenue stream to your agency. There are a ton of prospects in the Medicare market. Ten thousand seniors turn 65 every single day that’s a lot of prospects that need help understanding Medicare and their options.
Even though Medicare beneficiaries won’t admit it, Medicare is a very confusing topic and often what they think they know about it is wrong. This is why I challenge every agent that I train for to become a “Complete Medicare Advisor”. To become a “Complete Medicare Advisor”, you need to continually develop and grow your knowledge about Medicare, all the options available from Medicare supplements to Medicare Advantage plans, but also all the other products that you can utilize to help cover other risk and needs that your client may have. Many agents that try to focus on a few products for their clients are not really doing their client any justice. One of the steps an agent can do on their way to becoming a “Complete Medicare Advisor” is to complete the AHIP certification. This training will go a long way in helping an agent to understand Medicare advantage and prescription drug plans.
Below is a summary of the information that each carrier has released regarding the 2021 certification.
Aetna -
Save the date: 2021 certification starts July 1
We’re launching our annual Individual Medicare producer certification process on July 1, which is earlier than ever before. To certify with us, visit AetnaMedicareProducerCertification.com
Our certification process includes AHIP and only costs $125 – that’s a $50 savings off of the AHIP retail price.
New for 2021, you’ll get to certify for both Aetna MA/MAPD and SilverScript PDP in the same portal. Last year agents had to log in to two separate portals. This year we’ve made it easier. Just go to AetnaMedicareProducerCertification.com on July 1 to access both Aetna MA/MAPD and SilverScript PDP certification.
Wellcare -
Completing 2021 ACT will certify you to market and sell both 2020 and 2021 plans.
New This Year:
- Manual, separate transmission of AHIP has been eliminated!
- Real-time AHIP to ACT training availability (once 2021 ACT available).
- Simple retrieval of AHIP and ACT training transcripts from one location
AHIP Notes:
- 2020 AHIP will no longer be available as of June 19, 2020.
- 2021 AHIP is being released June 22, 2020
- Complete AHIP through our training site to access discounted pricing ($125 vs $175)
Lasso -
This year, Lasso Healthcare is proud to offer our agents the discounted AHIP rate of $125 for 2021! This link will be available on June 22 the same day AHIP releases its 2021 exam!
Humana -
Recertification will open Tuesday, June 30th at Noon Eastern time. Mark your calendar! Humana’s annual recertification is around the corner. We listened to your feedback and made recertification better than ever – including updates to Humana MarketPoint University itself.
Also, as a reminder, the plan year 2020 initial certification for partner agents will close at midnight Eastern time June 19th, 2020.
Top 4 Changes
- AHIP testing. Agents will have 6 attempts to successfully pass testing for AHIP.
- Humana testing. The Humana portion of recertification will not have a test this year. Each agent will sign an attestation upon completion of the content stating that they will abide by the guidance given.
- All Products. At the conclusion of Certification & Recertification this year, all agents will be certified to sell all Humana products!
- Humana MarketPoint University. HMU is upgraded! Starting June 30th, HMU will be easier to use and see. The website will also be mobile & tablet friendly.
If you feel like you would like to develop more knowledge and work your way into becoming that “Complete Medicare Advisor”, please reach out to me for more information. I would love to help you grow your agency and teach you about Medicare and all the opportunities that are available.
| For Professional Use Only