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The Latest Market & Sales Analysis for Insurance Agents

For Those Who Excel

Our experts provide regular analysis of the trends in the insurance industry. Grow your business and get ahead of the curve by following hot leads and marketing practices. With monthly updates on how the market is moving, the latest resources for independent agents, and proven sales strategies for the field, you’ll find plenty of ways to increase your commission.

January 18th, 2021

No matter if you are new to selling insurance or not, you need to take a serious look at the Medicare market and how you can utilize this market to grow your revenues. The need for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans is vast. Every day over 10,000 people turn 65 years of age and are in need of guidance in deciding what insurance options are available to them.

When people evaluate their need for Medicare, it can be confusing and overwhelming. Seniors receive a ton of Medicare-related literature; it’s truly information overload. These prospects can become baffled and simply frustrated when trying to understand the ins-and-outs of Medicare on their own.

January 19th, 2021

Although I fully expect the first quarter of 2021 to be more of the same, I could not be more ecstatic to ring in a new year. I’ve got plans and those plans include YOU! My first plan to action is a monthly Podcast series!! That’s right! Welcome to the 21st century. You’ll be able to subscribe and listen, at your convenience, to different long-term care current topics and carrier/product details. I also plan to ensure short-term care as a primary focus. Short-term care has provided much success in opening doors to more long-term care conversations and sales. It creates a conducive environment wherein clients are more open to discussing what happens in the event they require care at a later 

January 19th, 2021

In this month’s edition of “Sean From the Field”, I want to discuss prime opportunities to put you back in front of your AEP clients and capitalize on missed sales opportunities. Yes, I’m again speaking about cross-selling, but I come to you with resources and ideas to help nudge you along. This past AEP was fantastic, but this is no time to rest on recent success. It is imperative we all get back to work with a purpose. It is possible 2021 could be a tougher stretch than 2020. Let’s Focus!

I mentioned ideas and resources to put you back in front of your AEP clients. Let’s start with a unique opportunity provided by Aetna. Here’s how it works, Aetna Medicare Supplement policyholders who were …

January 19th, 2020

It’s finally 2021 and I’m sure we can all agree 2020 looks better in the rear-view mirror.  No matter how tiring the year seemed, I realize that not everyone had a “bad” year.  In fact, I have spoken to quite a few agents who experienced an excellent year, from a business standpoint.  Regardless of whether your business suffered or excelled, I would still wager to guess most people are ecstatic to move on from 2020 and are hopeful 2021 will be a better year. 

I am a parent of teenagers who often finds myself reciting cliches about hard work, attitude, positivity, and generally…

January 19th, 2020

I came across an article recently from Simplicity, a carrier we offer annuity products through, that detailed how studies have found retirees with a guaranteed income live happier and longer lives. It seems obvious that a person who receives a consistent monthly income would have less stress and therefore remove the health-related issues that stress can cause. So where are these retirees gaining a sense of security from? Pensions and Social Security once provided that sense of security but, unfortunately, that simply isn’t the case anymore. Few employees provide pensions and Social Security payments only equal about 40% of the average wage earner’s pre-retirement income. So, we, as agents, must provide alternative options like Annuities.


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